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Fr. 多米尼克Vahling

Fr. 多米尼克Vahling

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学分:1 (4.评分)

Catholic Christians: The Social Nature Of Building Ecumenical Communities

This course provides an overview of the Catholic faith (using basic principles and teachings found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church). It facilitates increased understanding of the Church and Sacraments, 进一步认识三位一体, 以及对充满爱心的服务生活的承诺.


学分:1 (4.评分)

Morality: Social Issues From An Ethical Perspective Hebrew Scriptures: History And Literature

This course provides a general study of the Hebrew Scriptures for one semester; students are presented a Catholic understanding and interpretation of Sacred Scriptures. The study of moral theology in the second semester provides students the skills needed to live a moral life.


学分:1 (4.评分)

This course is designed to provide students a first-hand experience at living out the Gospel message through service to the 神圣Heart-Griffin school community. 学生 will take an active role in creating and implementing the 校园部 program in the SHG community through daily prayer, 礼拜仪式的角色, 撤退计划, 参与和领导. At its core, the class will provide individual and small group spiritual development. The student Campus Ministers will assist the 校园部 department in planning and implementing all 校园部 activities. 课程的目标是将信念付诸实践. 课程内容包括希伯来圣经和道德问题.                                        


信贷: .25分(不计入累积绩点)

This one-week, 40-hour course is designed to train students in the Dominican Charism. 通过研究多明尼加灵性的主要元素, students come to appreciate their role as preachers within the school, 首页, 还有教会团体. Upon completion of the Institute, students will assist in training of 其他人 with the charism.


信贷: .25分(不计入累积绩点)


第一学期: 基督教经文:历史和文学

第二次梵蒂冈大公会议宣布福音是 一切拯救真理和道德纪律的源泉 (上帝保佑). 作为基督的跟随者, 我们看新约, 尤其是马太福音的四部福音书, Mark, 路加福音, 和约翰, to understand the one Gospel that our Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed. Through a careful reading of New Testament passages and the textbook, this course will seek to deepen the student’s understanding of the Gospel while fostering a closer personal relationship with Jesus. It will examine the Catholic approach to scripture which is rooted in both Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium.

Semester 2: Social Justice: Contemporary Social Justice Issues


1998年,美国政府宣布.S. Catholic bishops issued a statement entitled Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions. 在本文档中, the bishops make clear that Catholic 社会 teaching is an essential part of our faith life. 我们被呼召成为改变世界的酵母. Through an examination of various papal and conciliar documents along with a careful reading of the textbook, this course will explore the need to build a just society in our modern world. We will examine the central themes of Catholic 社会 teaching and apply them to our world. We will come to appreciate more deeply how our faith calls us to action on behalf of the poor and neglected.



代替社会正义课程, this formative credit would allow students to experience Gospel values through service placements in the community. 服务必须从根本上表达我们与他人的团结, and this course is designed to teach students that service is not 工作 别人,不过是机会 一起工作 其他人. 通过天主教“看”的社会教学模式, 法官, Act” students will be given the opportunity to live Catholic 社会 teaching in the community. Twenty-five hours of services will be required in addition to meetings with the supervising teacher, 完成指定的阅读材料, 完成日记. 班级人数有限.


学分:1 (4.评分)

This course is designed to provide students a first-hand experience at living out the Gospel message through service to the 神圣Heart-Griffin school community. 学生 will take an active role in creating and implementing the 校园部 program in the SHG community through daily prayer, 礼拜仪式的角色, 撤退计划, 参与和领导. At its core, the class will provide individual and small group spiritual development. The student Campus Ministers will assist the 校园部 department in planning and implementing all 校园部 activities. 课程的目标是将信念付诸实践. 课程内容包括《新约》和《澳门棋牌网址大全》.



学生 are required to take Sacraments and World Religions or 圣礼和哲学荣誉. 学生 enrolled in the Mission class and 校园部/神学四世 will fulfill the 神学四世 requirement.



在本课程中, students will recognize the reality that theology cannot be done in isolation and all of theology is rooted in community. This course is a 实用 reflection of what it means to live a life filled with compassion and true to the Gospel. 学生将识别所有创作的相互联系, 同时深入了解基督教社区. 学生 will explore the sacramental framework the Catholic community has in place. 特别强调的是职业. 学生 will be challenged to consider their own role in the formation of community, 同时发现并尊重他们最真实的自我.



This course will examine the major religions of the world with respect to their theoretical, 实用, 以及社会学的表达. The intent is to achieve an informed understanding of diverse traditions while appreciating the unique gift of our Catholic Christianity. 我们将特别强调当前的政治形势, 社会, 以及有宗教成分的经济问题.


学分:1 (5.评分)

学生 will learn about the Seven Sacraments and their philosophical underpinnings. Using philosophical methods to study the nature of the sacraments, students will also study philosophy with an eye toward application. Both philosophy and the sacraments will be approached as a shared goal: finding meaning in life. The course will use two texts sometimes simultaneously and sometimes alternately.


学分:1 (4.评分)

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Service Class or 校园部

This class focuses on the mission of the Dominican order, and in turn, SHG. This class is open to seniors who would like to explore the Dominican charism while taking a position of leadership in the school. 通过圣礼的方式, students will collaborate to implement the four pillars of the Dominican charism through development of diversity events, 策划祈祷仪式, and development of their own spirituality through service learning. 班级人数有限.