因为数学的本质是顺序的, the grade levels listed are guide行 and will vary with the student’s foundational skills.
以下是大学预科数学课程的建议顺序. 每门课程都为下一门课程奠定基础. 入门级别会有所不同.
代数I CP
学分:1 (4.评分)
主题包括:涉及整数的操作, 百分比和分数, 用代数方法解方程. This class also introduces basic graphing skills and use of the graphing calculator. Basic word problems and real-life application problems will be addressed. 本课程为学生准备几何CP.
学分:1 (4.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 代数I CP and by Algebra Teacher Recommendation Only
本课程介绍欧几里得几何. 将教授几何技巧及其应用. 本课程为学生准备代数II CP.
(11 - 12级)
学分:1 (4.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 几何CP and by SHG Geometry or Algebra I Teacher Recommendation Only
这门课 begins with a review of Algebra I topics including solving linear equations and including solving linear equations and inequalities, 绘制线性方程和不等式, 并强调解决问题. 本课程涵盖代数II的主题,例如函数, graphing linear and quadratic 功能 and piecewise-defined 功能, 以及函数的变换. 学生 will solve systems of linear equation in two and three variables, 用矩阵求解方程组, 处理多项式函数, 对多项式函数做运算.
学分:1 (4.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 代数II CP; SHG Algebra II Teacher Recommendation Only
本课程是为学生准备大学代数而设计的, 什么是大多数学院和大学的要求. 它包括对代数II概念的复习,重点是图形, 函数及其图的研究, 还有三角学入门. 主题包括:多项式函数, 理性的功能, 对数和指数函数, 圆三角函数, 三角恒等式, 以及绘图函数.
以下顺序推荐给UCP课程的学生. 每一门课程都要求在前一门课程中取得成功.
[Proposed sequence in high school for students who completed 代数I UCP (Zero hour) as an eighth grader: 几何跟单信用证, 代数II UCP, 微积分预科,统计学,大学代数荣誉或微积分] 微积分预科,统计学,大学代数荣誉或微积分]
学生 entering this course should have knowledge of arithmetic and common mathematical symbols. 学生 will study the structure of the number system and the use of algebraic operations 和功能. 应用程序 of algebraic methods to practical situations is a focus of this course.
学分:1 (4.评分)
这门课 is an introduction to the fundamentals of plane and space 几何. Both deductive and inductive methods of proof are applied to the study of points, 行, 飞机, 和角度. 应用程序s are made to triangles and other polygons as well as to circles, 特别注意一致性和相似性. Constructions, transformations, and formulas relating to areas and volumes are studied.
学分:1 (4.评分)
本课程复习代数I. 所涵盖的其他主题是线性的, 多项式和二次函数, 矩阵, 激进分子, 复数, 序列与序列, 和二次曲线. 本课程为学生学习微积分预科或统计学做准备.
学分:1 (4.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 代数II UCP (C or higher); SHG Teacher Recommendation
这门课 covers topics in 解析几何 such as 行 in plane, 二次曲线和对数指数函数. 第二学期学习三角学, which emphasizes a geometric and analytic development of the trigonometric 功能 with applications, 极坐标, 极坐标图. 第一学期期末考试.
The Honors courses are recommended for students who have advanced knowledge and skills in mathematics. 每年, the achievement grade and the teachers’ recommendations are used to determine the student’s eligibility to enter the next level honors class in this sequence.
如果代数I荣誉是在八年级掌握的, 在高中提出的序列是几何H, 代数II H, 有关微积分的H, 微积分荣誉或微积分AB/BC AP.
我在九年级上代数I H, 所提出的序列是代数I H, 几何H, 代数II H, Pre-Cal H
学分:1 (5.A- The letter grade earned is listed on the high school transcript but the grade is not included in the high school GPA).
PREREQUISITES: Standardized and SHG Testing; Jr. 高的建议.
这门课 is for students enrolled in the local Catholic Elementary Schools.
This is an accelerated course which provides an in-depth study of the structure of the number system; use of algebraic operations 和功能; and quadratic equations, 功能, 和关系. 应用程序 of algebraic methods to practical situations is a focus of this course. 学生必须至少拿到C-才能继续学习nd 学期. 本课程为学生准备几何学荣誉课程.
学分:1 (5.评分)
学生 entering this course should have a thorough knowledge of arithmetic and common mathematical symbols. This is an accelerated course which provides a more in-depth study of the structure of the number system; use algebraic operations 和功能; and quadratic equations, 关系, 和功能. 应用程序 of algebraic methods to practical situations is a focus of this course. 本课程为学生准备几何学荣誉课程.
学分:1 (5.评分)
PREREQUISITE: Algebra I H (B+ or higher); 几何H; Algebra I Teacher Recommendation
This is a rigorous approach to the standard topics of a second year of high school Algebra. 这门课包含线性的工作, 二次函数和多项式函数, 矩阵, 有理数和无理数, 复数, 对数, 序列与级数, 概率与统计, 和二次曲线. 应用程序 of algebraic methods to practical situations is a focus of this course.
学分:1 (5.评分)
PREREQUISITE: Algebra I H (B or higher); SHG Teacher Recommendation
这是一门介绍平面和空间几何的速成课程, 结构, 逻辑, 以及演绎证明. 重点放在精确的数学语言上. A strong effort is made to inter-relate the study of Geometry and Algebra. This class prepares students for 代数II or for 有关微积分的荣誉.
学分:1 (5.评分)
这门课 is an introduction to basic statistics and covers all material associated with an entry level college statistics class. 所涵盖的主题包括基本概率论, 基本描述性统计, 随机变量和概率分布, 统计抽样分布, statistical inferences involving confidence interval estimation and hypothesis testing for means, 标准差, 和比例, 以及相关和回归.
学分:1 (5.评分)
前提条件:代数II UCP (B或更高); 学生必须满足LLCC的入学要求.
本课程以探索各种代数函数为中心, 包括多项式, 理性的, 指数, 和对数函数. 的属性, 图 and inequalities of these 功能 are analyzed and applications of their use are studied. Other topics include systems of equations, 矩阵, conic sections, 序列与级数. This class is offered as a dual credit class (MAT 113) through LLCC at no additional cost to the student.
(11 - 12级)
学分:1 (5.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 代数II H (B or higher); 代数II UCP (A or higher); SHG Teacher recommendation
本课程的目的是为学习微积分做准备. 内容包括广泛的三角学, 解析几何, 以及高等代数的几个主题. A deeper understanding of the concept of a function is stressed and applied to many different topics.
学分:1 (5.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 有关微积分的H (B or higher) and SHG Teacher Recommendation. 学生必须满足LLCC的入学要求.
本课程基本上涵盖了大学微积分第一学期的内容. 它遵循MAT 131的LLCC课程结果, 哪些包含函数的主题, 图, 极限和基本的微分和积分. 这门课, 虽然仍然要求很高, is intended for the student who does not need 2 semesters of calculus in college. This class is offered as dual credit (MAT 131) through LLCC at no additional cost to the student.
学分:1 (6.评分)
本课程涵盖大学微积分第一学期的内容. 它遵循大学先修课程AB的教学大纲, 其中包括函数的主题, 图, 极限和基本的微分和积分. 这门课 is intended of the student who does not need two semesters of calculus in college.
学分:1 (6.评分)
PREREQUISITE: 有关微积分的H (B+ or higher); SHG Teacher Recommendation
本课程涵盖大学微积分的前两个学期. 它遵循大学先修课程BC教学大纲, and is intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of analytic 几何 and elementary 功能 in addition to college preparatory algebra, 几何, 和三角. 极限理论中的标准题目, 微分学, 包括积分学, 以及矢量微积分的入门材料, 系列, 微分方程. This is a very demanding course and should be taken only by students of excellent mathematical ability who wish to prepare for college work in mathematics, 工程, 化学, 物理, 或医学.